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Cryptocurrency Ownership Data

Learn about Cryptocurrency Adoption across the globe: Trends, Insights and Statistics

Global cryptocurrency adoption

Cryptocurrency adoption is growing around the world. As a leading cryptocurrency payments company, we strive to offer key statistics to help businesses better understand the cryptocurrency market—how you can reach untapped markets and grow your business.

As of 2024, we estimated global cryptocurrency ownership rates at an average of 6.8%, with over 560 million cryptocurrencies users worldwide.

Leading Countries by Crypto Ownership Percentage













Owners Demographics






is the annual income of the average cryptocurrencies owner


have a Bachelor’s degree or higher


are aged under 34

Cryptocurrency ownership data

Cryptocurrency’s Rapid Growth:
A Five-Year Surge

With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 99%, the growth in ownership of cryptocurrencies far exceeds the growth rates of traditional payment methods, which average at 8% from 2018 to 2023. In fact, within the same period, the growth rate for cryptocurrency ownership surpasses that of several payment giants such as American Express.

The biggest brands in the world are
accepting cryptocurrency payments

Cryptocurrency across industries


More than 85% of US merchants view enabling cryptocurrencies payments as a high priority


Merchants who accepted cryptocurrencies payments saw an average ROI of 327% and an increase of up to 40% of new customers


Customers who use cryptocurrency spend about $250 more per transaction on average than what the average customer spends

US$1.4 Trillion

The global market for Luxury Goods is projected to grow from US$1.2 trillion in 2022 to US$1.4 trillion in 2025 with millennials representing 50% of the total market by that time.


In 2021, 94% of all cryptocurrencies buyers are millennials and gen Zs’ under the age of 40

Luxury Brands

Luxury brands accept cryptocurrencies to create exclusive experiences: limited edition items can only be purchased using cryptocurrencies

$428 Billion

Digital cross-border remittances is projected to grow from $295 billion in 2021 to $428 billion in 2025


15.8% of remitters are already using cryptocurrency for money transfer

388 times faster

Cryptocurrencies remittance is 388 times faster and 127 times cheaper than traditional remittance methods

US$222 Billion

The Gaming Market is set to reach US$222 billion in 2022 , and it is expected to reach a value of US$340 billion by 2027


25.1% of cryptocurrencies owners have used cryptocurrency to make purchases for online gaming or gambling in 2021


48.6% of cryptocurrencies owners will consider spending cryptocurrency on online gaming or gambling in the future

Get the latest insights on digital currency ownership in our full report and discover the strategies driving success in this exciting new market!

Download Our Report: The State of Global Cryptocurrency Ownership in 2024

About the methodology

For the latest Triple-A Global Digital Currencies Ownership data, Triple-A utilised the following metrics: (i) Country Weighted Scoring, (ii) Outlier Research and (iii) Primary Data Collection to obtain the most encompassing and accurate set of statistics in conjunction with the various data sources that we evaluate.

1) Country Weighted Scoring

Our refined scoring mechanism is anchored in the data provided by the Chainalysis 2023 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report. It incorporates a multi-faceted scoring system based on the following criteria:

  • On-chain retail value received at centralised exchanges
  • Total on-chain cryptocurrency value received at centralised exchanges
  • Trade volume on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) exchange platforms
  • On-chain cryptocurrency value transacted through Decentralised Finance (DeFi) protocols,
  • On-chain retail value transitions within DeFi protocols

With the use of Chainalysis, we ascertain the correlation between a country’s specific index score and the extant ownership percentages reported by secondary research papers. This correlation will be used in our estimations, which enables an extrapolation of cryptocurrency ownership across the global populace.

2) Outlier Research
For the specified countries, Triple-A has conducted in-depth research and data sampling due to the inherent nature (i.e large population size) of these countries, which resulted in less accurate findings based on the above approach. Data collected from third-party providers and local Triple-A data is then evaluated to obtain a more precise figure for the specified countries.

3) Primary Data Collection
The dataset from Triple-A was supplemented with additional research using commonly applied methodologies. Furthermore, publicly available data from a variety of sources was used to complement survey data. Utilising data that are crunched with numerous criteria, various databases and different factors, the processed data and findings are then weighed and analysed against each other based on the following benchmarks (i) Time of Publishing (ii) Scope and Scale of Survey (iii) Internet Penetration Rate (iv) to obtain a finalised ownership number specific to each country.

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